Paso a Paso - Day 3 Blog

by Anna Tyler

Our first night here in Guatemala, at service, we discussed how this work and this mission isn’t about us. I believe it was Damaris who in particular said that God would still show up whether we were here or not. I took this to mean that we are merely the tools that God is choosing to use for the short time that we are here. I fully understood this message today.

Last night I went to bed feeling like I wasn’t enough (I know very little Spanish) and wondering if the women I am teaching are able to retain any of the information I am trying to teach. I woke up at 5 am this morning with my mind still working hard, trying to think of ways to better demonstrate the lesson (the women and I have become very skilled at miming). Little did I know that God had already taken care of my worries. There was a moment in class when I stood in the corner observing everyone. No one needed my help. When one women had a simple problem with the machine or didn’t quite understand what had to happen next, a few of the other women, who understood what needed to be done, would help her.

I saw in those moments that this project wasn’t about me or my effort. God had already shown up, in the form of the handful of women who picked up on how to use the machines quickly so they could help each other. One women in particular, Aña or Eña (I’m not sure how to spell her name, so I have attempted to spell it phonetically) is so skilled at using the machine already that I told Any she could help teach classes in the future. This was the highlight of my time here thus far.

It fills me with so much joy to see that God will continue to work for and through these women and through Paso a Paso’s new sewing project once his temporary tool, me, has left. 

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